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A universal model for evolution of dark matter halos

  报告题目:A universal model for evolution of dark matter halos

  报告人:赵东海 研究员(中国科学院上海天文台)

  报告人简介:赵东海,中国科学院上海天文台研究员,首届基金委优青基金获得者。于1996年获得地质学学士学位,1999年进入首个中德马普小组学习并于2002年获得天体物理学博士学位。之后一直在上海天文台工作。主要从事于宇宙大尺度结构的形成与演化研究。研究成果被国际权威教科书Galactic Dynamics和Galaxy Formation and Evolution大篇幅收录。

  摘要:Dark matter halos are the elementary units of the large-scale structure of the Universe and host galaxy formation. However, their formation and evolution are highly nonlinear gravitational processes, and the analytical theory of structure formation and evolution can only give an approximate image, while the numerical simulation studies have the defects of limited applicability, non-transferability and physical ambiguity, and suffer from numerical effects. By presenting the results of numerical simulations into the parameter space adopted by the analytical theory, a new approach was proposed by Donghai Zhao et al. in 2009, to obtain a universal model for halo mass growth and its internal structure evolution. I will show in this report this model applies precisely to any dark halo mass, to any period in the history of the Universe, to a wide variety of cosmological models and to not only cold but also warm and hot dark matter models, and thus are unquestionably applicable to our real universe. Following this approach, our research group has recently proposed a unified model of dark matter halo merger rate and a unified model of dark matter halo merger orbit, both of which are again accurate and universal, while physically clear. I’ll show also our new results on the anisotropy of velocity dispersion of smooth matter inside dark matter halos.




